The online shipping logistics tracking and visualization platform provides the logistics information query and related comprehensive information integration and presentation services as its core functions, so as to meet the universal needs of industry users; provides individualized custom services, to meet the different needs of different enterprises for their different production and business models; and uses the rich data sources, powerful algorithm research and data mining capabilities of the big data center, to explore the value of the logistics tracking data based on and prior to enterprises according to the characteristics of shipping logistics enterprises, and achieve the innovative operation of public services.
The platform mainly provides core services such as vehicle tracking, vessel positioning, ship tracking and port operation, vessel scheduling, vessel archive and customs clearance status inquiry, as well as derivative services such as customized shipping big data statistical analysis.
The platform mainly provides core services such as vehicle tracking, vessel positioning, ship tracking and port operation, vessel scheduling, vessel archive and customs clearance status inquiry, as well as derivative services such as customized shipping big data statistical analysis.